In-Set Supersets With the EZ Curl Bar For Total Tricep Training

This is one of the best hypertrophy exercises for the triceps I've ever found. You'll be alternating reps between two exercises for the triceps that share the same end position. This allows you to cover more muscle fibers for greater overall tricep work in one set.




The In-Set Superset is a very simple and very effective hypertrophy training technique.


Essentially, you go back and forth between two different exercises targeting the same bodypart that also share a similar starting or ending position.

In this case, we're targeting the triceps with a close grip bench press and a lying tricep extension.

You'll do one rep of the close grip press then go directly into one rep of the lying extension, alternating back and forth until you can no longer do any more reps of the extension.

Then, if you're on your last set of your tricep workout, you can burn out with as many more reps of the close grip presses as you can get (since it's the stronger exercise of the two).

This is an incredibly powerful training method as it works the target muscle from two distinct angles in one set. This targets different muscle fibers and different tension patterns while still working the same muscle overall.



How To Set Up for In-Set Supersets for Triceps


First, select a weight that you can get at least 8 reps with on a lying tricep extension.

You can do this exercise on a bench, however, I like to do this combination while lying on the floor. I find it much easier to get into position and safer than doing it on a bench as you can simply set the bar behind your head on the floor and just reach back and over to pick it up.

And when you're done, you just bring the bar back again and set it on the floor.

Just make sure you don't use any plates larger than 25 lbs, or it'll shorten your range of motion on the exercises.

Reach back and grip the EZ curl bar (or straight bar, if that's what you've got) with a close grip.

In-Set Supersets With the EZ Curl Bar For Total Tricep Training Setup

Then bring it to the lockout position.

In-Set Supersets With the EZ Curl Bar For Total Tricep Training Setup2

In-Set Supersets With the EZ Curl Bar For Total Tricep Training Top

Come down into the bottom of the press.

In-Set Supersets With the EZ Curl Bar For Total Tricep Training Bottom of Press

Press back up.

In-Set Supersets With the EZ Curl Bar For Total Tricep Training Top

Now bring the bar down into the tricep can do this either as a "skullcrusher" or bring the bar just slightly over the head. That comes down to personal preference.

In-Set Supersets With the EZ Curl Bar For Total Tricep Training Bottom of Extension

Extend back up to the top then repeat this sequence, alternating back and forth between exercises until you can't get more any reps on the extension.

Then, as I mentioned above, if you're on your last set (I recommend doing 2 to 3 sets of this), you can burn out on the presses.

If you really push it, your triceps will be swollen up like balloons after you're done!

For maximum tricep contraction to really finish them off, do a few sets of Chest-Supported Kickbacks.



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