To build your chest, lifting heavy weight is important, but above need TENSION on the pecs.
And that's the focus of this In-Set Superset.
You're going to be focusing on Time-Under-Tension (TUT) while at the same time focusing on never letting that tension go in the pecs.'s a brutal technique and very effective.
The continuous tension on the muscles also gives you a BFR (Blood Flow Restriction) effect on the pecs. This enhances the growth process by trapping the waste products of muscle contraction within the muscle, which then causes of release of muscle growth factors locally within those muscles.
How to Do In-Set Supersets
For this In-Set Superset, we'll be alternating reps of dumbbell bench press and dumbbell flyes.
This gives us a pre-and-post exhaust effect on the pecs, using the triceps and shoulders to help push the pecs further into fatigue during the set.
Use a moderate weight...something you can get at least 7-8 reps with on the FLYES. We'll be aiming for a minimum of 40 seconds of non-stop time-under-tension (a bit more time is fine...just don't use too light of a weight that allows you to get more than 1-1/2 to 2 minutes of work).
I'm using a pair of 65 lb dumbbells for time, I'll go a bit heavier as I was hitting around 90 seconds of TUT per set, which is on the high end for hypertrophy.
Start with the top of the dumbbell press.
Come down (under control) to the bottom of the press.
Press back up...
CRITICAL...DO NOT lockout! Stop just short of lockout and KEEP THE TENSION on the pecs. Consciously do this as you come to the top. We want NO release of tension as you switch to flyes.
Come back up and again, NO release of tension as you switch back to presses (the video above demonstrates this nicely).
The change of exercise should be done smoothly with NO pause at the top. A pause will release tension and we want to immediately go to the other exercise.
This will get tougher and tougher to do as you get further into the set and as the Lactate really starts to build up in the pecs. Grind out as many reps as you can until this Lactate build-up compromises your form and you can't do anymore reps.
Just to clarify...we're not looking for FIBER failure here (which is more damaging)...we're looking for "chemical" failure, which means that the pH in your muscles has dropped too much to allow for proper muscle function.
Take 60 to 90 seconds rest once you finish the set, then go again. Perform this In-Set Superset three times and you're done with your chest.
And your chest will be PUMPED like crazy.
For more training to build your chest, try Stability Sandwich Sets for chest.
Are you 40...50...60 or even 70+ years old and want to build muscle and strength like you did 20 years ago?
If you feel like you're fighting a losing battle, you're ready to discover the REAL secret to REVERSING muscle loss due to aging...
*** You need to train the body systems that SUPPORT your muscle mass, not just the muscle itself. ***
These underlying support systems diminish as you age, which is why you lose muscle as you get older no matter how hard you train... but with strategic training, these systems can be regenerated.
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