Positions of Flexion workout for Biceps - 1 1/4 Rep Style

This workout is going to be targeting the biceps with exercises covering the three Positions of Flexion positions...mid-range, stretch and peak contraction.




Positions of Flexion Training is an excellent method for targeting the muscles in all facets of tension in it's range of motion. I've gone into great detail on how and why it works on this page posted for chest here, so I won't go into the full explanation here.

This method is fantastic for building size on the biceps.

Nick Nilsson Biceps Training



Step 1 - Mid-Range Bicep Exercise - Barbell Curls


We'll be doing a standard barbell curl here, doing the 1/4 extra movement in the middle. Do a short pause at every stopping point in the exercise to maximize tension in the biceps and to eliminate momentum.

Start with a full normal curl. Curl up to the top and pause.

Positions of Flexion Barbell Curls start

Positions of Flexion Barbell Curls top

Now lower to just below 90 degrees at the elbow and pause. This is the point of greatest tension on the biceps in this exercise so it's the area we're looking to focus the loading on with the extra 1/4 rep.

Positions of Flexion Barbell Curls one quarter down

Curl back up to about 3/4 of the way up and pause.

Positions of Flexion Barbell Curls one quarter up

Then lower under control back down to the bottom.

Positions of Flexion Barbell Curls bottom

Repeat for 6 to 8 total reps.

Do TWO sets of this exercise, with 90 seconds rest between sets. After doing the second set, rest 60 seconds before going to the next exercise.


Step 2 - Stretch Position Bice Exercise - Incline Dumbell Curls


With this exercise, we'll be focusing the tension and the 1/4 rep on the bottom stretch position.

When doing the incline dumbbell curl, for the greatest stretch, don't sit on the bench seat. Instead shift yourself upwards so that your feet are on the seat and your upper back is off the top end of the bench. This opens up your rib cage and gets your shoulders back, which puts a much greater stretch on the biceps.

Start at the bottom.

Positions of Flexion Incline Dumbell Curls start

Then curl up and pause at the top.

Positions of Flexion Incline Dumbell Curls top

Lower back down to the bottom. At the bottom position, don't pause here...instead, quickly "twitch" out of the bottom stretch position to activate what is called the "myotatic reflex", also known as the stretch reflex.

Use this quick twitch will help activate more bicep muscle fibers.

The key point is you're not jerking suddenly...you're coming into the bottom then literally trying to "twitch" as you reverse the direction quickly. You can see me doing this in the video above.

Positions of Flexion Incline Dumbell Curls bottom

Now curl up 1/4 of the way and pause.

Positions of Flexion Incline Dumbell Curls one quarter up

Then come back down and perform another twitch out of the stretch before you curl right back up to the top.

Positions of Flexion Incline Dumbell Curls stretch

Then repeat this sequence for 6 to 8 reps. We'll be doing two sets of this as well, with 1 minute between sets.

Now rest 1 more minute before moving to the final exercise.


Step 3 - Peak Contraction Bicep Exercise - Beside-The-Head Concentration Curls


There are several exercises you can use for this. In the video, I'm using a concentration curl variation where you bring the dumbbell up beside your head rather than across your body.

This creates greater supination in the biceps by externally rotating the shoulder. The cross body version is "normal" but not as effective for maximum contraction, in my experience.

Regardless of the exercise you use, you'll be doing the 1/4 rep at the peak contraction portion of the movement.

Bend forward with your arm hanging directly down.

Positions of Flexion Concentration Curls start

Now curl up beside your head, keeping your hand in the fully supinated (underhand) position. Pause and squeeze here for a second or two.

Positions of Flexion Concentration Curls top

Lower down 1/4 of the way and pause, keeping tension on the biceps.

Positions of Flexion Concentration Curls one quarter down

Now curl back up to the top and squeeze hard for a second or two.

Positions of Flexion Concentration Curls peak contraction

Then come back down to the bottom position again.

Positions of Flexion Concentration Curls bottom

Perform 6-8 reps like this then do the same for the other arm.

Positions of Flexion Concentration Curls other arm

When doing single arm training like this, I like to right back to the first arm and rep out with that arm again. Then finish with the other arm for one more set.


Alternate Peak Contraction Bicep Exercise - Lying High Pulley Curls


You can also focus on the peak contraction with cables very effectively. This exercise allows you to work both biceps at the same time. If you'd using a two-arm exercise, take 1 minute between sets and do 2 total sets.

For the lying high pulley curl, lie on a flat bench under the high pulley and grip a straight bar attachment. Now curl down to your face, squeezing the biceps hard.

Peak Contraction - Lying High Pulley Curls to the FacePeak Contraction - Lying High Pulley Curls to the Face

Let the bar come up 1/4 of the way. Then curl back down to the face.

Peak Contraction - Lying High Pulley Curls to the FacePeak Contraction - Lying High Pulley Curls to the Face

Let the bar all the way back up then repeat.

Peak Contraction - Lying High Pulley Curls to the Face

Do this for 8 to 10 reps.

Then you're done!

After finishing this Positions of Flexion sequence, your biceps will be TRASHED and you will have stimulated some serious arm size growth!

You can also utilize this Positions of Flexion method to hammer your chest for some serious growth.



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