The Lactic Acid build-up you get from this style of training is going to result in Growth Hormone secretion, which can help with unlocking stubborn bodyfat.
Now, just to be clear, this doesn't mean it directly targets fat on the chest. This isn't a method for spot reduction. Unlocking stubborn fat is still a systemic process...but it is a process that is boosted via GH secretion.
As well (and this is an academic point), lactic acid is more accurately lactate (they're two different but related things). Everybody knows the "burn" by lactic acid, so that's the term I'll use here.
This method is simple to do and doesn't require much equipment.
Grab a pair of light/moderate weight dumbbells (I'm using 40's here...use something you can definitely get 15+ reps with on flyes) and a flat bench. That's all you need.
Perform as many reps of the dumbbell flyes as you can do. Don't worry about counting reps. We're going for lactic acid overload here and it doesn't matter at all how many reps it takes to get there, just that push your chest to what I call "chemical failure"...meaning while your fibers might still be able to move the weight, the chemical situation in your muscles doesn't allow for muscle contraction.
As you're doing these, don't come all the way up to the top...stop a little short of that and try to maintain a contraction in the pecs the entire time.
This is going to occlude the blood flow out of the chest, which will help increase lactic acid build-up, which increases GH secretion.
When you get to the point where lactic acid build-up shuts you down, then immediately switch to dumbbell bench press, without releasing the tension in the chest.
This allows your triceps and front delts to pick up the slack and push your chest even FURTHER into lactic acid overload.
You won't get nearly as many reps on this secondary exercise because of that, even though it's a stronger exercise.
Again, keep doing reps until lactic acid build up shuts you down.
That superset is one set. When you're done, take 1 minute rest. I recommend 3 to 4 total sets of this. Your reps will definitely drop over the course of these sets because your body won't have time to clear all the lactic acid with that short of a rest period.
It's that "chemical failure" that we're looking for with this technique and what will help you to unlock those stubborn fat cells.
This type of training is best done fasted and/or on a low-carb diet (GH and insulin tend to counteract each other in the body).
Another excellent lactic acid chest workout is the Very High Rep Push-Ups method.
And if you like this workout, you'll LOVE these ones...
- The Single Dumbbell Attack
- Total-Body Countdown Murder
- The Inside Out Core Crusher
- Lactate Tolerance Training for Chest
- Dueling Banjo Hell
- The Good Morning Burger
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