5-3-1 Swing Push-Up Chin-Up Time-Volume Training Workout

This workout is awesome total-body metabolic conditioning training. You'll be rotating between three exercises... kettlebell swings, push-ups and chin-ups, each done for a set number of reps, non-stop for a set block of time.




This fat-loss workout consists of three exercises targeting almost all of your muscle mass.


This is a volume-based workout, not designed for strength or hypertrophy but for overall conditioning and strength-endurance.

It works GREAT for fat loss training as it's designed to burn a LOT of calories by working a LOT of muscle mass for a LOT of sets while keeping short of muscular failure.

The basic workout template is based on my Time-Volume Training program...which you can get a full rundown on here.

That program is excellent for building muscle and strength but can be easily adapted for fat loss training (like with this workout).



How to Do 5-3-1 Swing, Push-Ups, Chins....


Now, first off, this has NO relation to Jim Wendler's excellent 5-3-1 program for building mass and strength. This simply describes the reps you're going to be doing for each exercise in the workout.

It turns out this rep template is actually quite good for targeting each exercise over a longer period of time.

You'll want to be very comfortable with each exercise before doing this one. It's not a beginner workout.

You'll cycle through a non-stop circuit of 5 reps of kettlebell swings, 3 reps of push-ups and 1 rep of chins.

This circuit is done non-stop...going right from one exercise to the next, then back to the beginning of the cycle.

Choose a time block for the workout...I used 30 minutes for the demo.

Then just keep running through the cycle, non-stop, until the time is up.

If you get to the point where fatigue is catching up to you and you almost can't get a rep on one of the exercises, take 10 seconds rest between CYCLES (not exercises...full 3 exercise cycles...as in finish the chin-up, then take 10 seconds rest).

If you again get to the point where you can't get a rep on one of the cycles, then increase that to 20 seconds...then 30 seconds, etc.

I managed to get the full 30 minutes without having to take 10 seconds rest...came close, but just made it.



Exercise #1 - Kettlebell Swings - 5 reps

I'm using a 90 lb kettlebell here. Choose a weight you know you could get at least 20-30 non-stop reps with.

Kettlebell Swings - Start

Kettlebell Swings Top


Exercise #2 - Push-Ups - 3 reps

Nothing fancy here...just regular push-ups on the floor.

Push-Ups Start

Push-Ups Bottom


Exercise #3 - Chin-Ups - 1 rep

You'll need to be strong enough to get at least 8-10 chin-ups in a non-stop before using this exercise, I would say.

Chin-Ups Bottom

Chin-Ups Top

Then just go right back to the swings for 5 reps and keep going!

It's really that simple. You'll just keep hammering away at those 3 exercises for however long your workout time block is. I did 30 minutes but do even 10 minutes if you're short on time.

If you liked this one, I've got another 5-3-1 style of Time-Volume Training workout using only bodyweight here.


Want more killer metabolic conditioning workouts for burning fat while keeping ALL your muscle and strength? Get 75 of them in my "Metabolic Monsters" book...



And if you like this workout, you'll LOVE these ones...




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