Time-Volume Training Farmers Walks For Total-Body Conditioning and Fat Loss

This workout will train you for massive increases in your work capacity. You'll be using a Time-Volume Training / Density Training framework to maximize the load you're carrying and the distance you're carrying it for.




Farmers Walks are one of the best total-body exercises you can do for strength and for fat loss and conditioning as well.


For this workout, you'll be doing Farmers Walks using a Time-Volume Training framework.

Time-Volume Training is fantastic density training method I came up with that allows you to maximize your workload in a given training session, by doing more work up front then gradually and strategically doing less and less work as you fatigue (known as Front Loading).

You can read about the Time-Volume Training method and how to use it for building muscle and strength here.


Here's a brief rundown of how Time-Volume Training works.

The normal version of TVT is done using regular weight exercises such as bench press or deadlifts.

  • You take a weight you can get 10 reps for and you do a set of 3 reps with it.
  • Then you take 10 seconds rest, then do another set, then 10 seconds rest, then another set.
  • You continue with 3 rep sets until you can no longer get 3 reps with good form.
  • You will not be changing weights at all, just rest periods.
  • Then you take 20 seconds rest and repeat...then 30 seconds (if you need it)...then 40 seconds.
  • Repeat this for a set block of time such as 15 minutes.
  • You stay away from failure on all sets, focusing on volume and just doing a lot of work.

Now...in this case, we're going to be doing short but heavy Farmers Walks instead of weight exercises, going by distance instead of reps.


Here's how to do Time-Volume Training with Farmers Walks.


1. Do a Farmers Walk for about 20 feet. The weight should be something fairly challenging but not super heavy. I'm using 450 lbs here (225 in each hand). You can use handles, a trap bar, dumbbells, kettlebells, whatever you have available.

In terms of distance, I'm limited by space in my basement, which is why I really like this method for my situation. You can go for longer, if you have longer space to use. I used hooks for grip assistance so grip wouldn't be a limiting factor, just overall workload capability.

Time-Volume Training Farmers Walks For Total-Body Conditioning and Fat Loss

Time-Volume Training Farmers Walks For Total-Body Conditioning and Fat Loss

Time-Volume Training Farmers Walks For Total-Body Conditioning and Fat Loss


2. Set the weight down and turn around. You get 10 seconds rest from the time you set the weight down to the time you pick it up again.

3. Walk back in the other direction, same distance. Set the weight down.

Time-Volume Training Farmers Walks For Total-Body Conditioning and Fat Loss

Time-Volume Training Farmers Walks For Total-Body Conditioning and Fat Loss

4. Repeat this process, taking 10 seconds rest in between every carry.

5. When you get to the point where you feel your form breaking down or your distance might be a bit short, start taking 20 seconds rest in between carries. Don't push to failure on any of these carries.

6. Keep going, repeating this process until you can't maintain form (or you'd be gassed if you tried again) on 20 seconds rest.

7. Then start taking 30 seconds rest.

8. Repeat for whatever time block you decide...I did 30 minutes of this. I completed about 5 minutes on 20 seconds rest, another 17 minutes on 20 seconds rest, then the final 8 minutes on 30 seconds rest.


That's the whole workout.

This is GREAT strength/endurance training and metabolic conditioning, and is especially useful for development of work capacity in your whole body when you don't have a lot of space to train in.

Discover how Time-Volume Training can be used to build muscle and strength even with light weights and limited equipment!


Want more killer metabolic conditioning workouts for burning fat while keeping ALL your muscle and strength? Get 75 of them in my "Metabolic Monsters" book...



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