Roll-Up Barbell Plate Leg Curls For An Amazing Hamstring Contraction

If you train at home and don't have a leg curl machine to hit the knee flexion aspect of your hamstrings, this is going to be a great option for you. It's going to give you an incredible hamstring contraction.




Stiff-legged deadlifts are great for targeting the hip extension function of the hamstrings but for complete development, you need to hit flexion as well.

This is done using a loaded barbell and your bodyweight...and a dumbbell, if you want to add resistance.

You're going to be doing a roll-up type of exercise that you may have seen done using a Swiss ball. I like this version better as it provides more stability than the ball, allowing you to use extra resistance and really load the hamstrings.

Since the hamstrings really only contract in one direction (being a strap-like muscle group), you don't really need a lot of stabilization training for them.

First, you want to load a barbell with some plates. I recommend at least 3-4 plates on the "working" end. You really only need one plate on the other end. I did this exercise after doing sets of another exercise with the bar loaded with 405, so it was already set up like this.

The plates aren't for're going to put your feet on them, which is why you need enough surface area to set your feet on top.

Start with just your bodyweight to get an idea of how the movement works.

Set your heels on top of the plates while lying on your back.

Roll-Up Barbell Plate Leg Curls Start

Now roll the plates towards your butt, coming up on your feet.

Roll-Up Barbell Plate Leg Curls Top

This top position provides an incredibly strong contraction on the hamstrings. When your hips are fully extended, the hamstrings can achieve full contraction.

Roll down and repeat.

One you get the idea, you can start adding some weight. I've got a 30 lb dumbbell set on my hips.

Roll-Up Barbell Plate Leg Curls  Weighted Start

Perform the exercise, just like before.

Roll-Up Barbell Plate Leg Curls Weighted top

The dumbbell provides you with direct extra resistance.

Now it gets can move to heavier weights and really take advantage of the extra load to get a strong stretch at the bottom, along with the peak contraction.

I've got an 85 lb dumbbell here.

Roll-Up Barbell Plate Leg Curls Heavy Weight

In between reps, don't touch your butt to the floor. Keeping your glutes off the ground means the hamstrings must contract in order to maintain position. It's a STRONG stretch, which you can then move into a strong contraction.

Roll-Up Barbell Plate Leg Curls Heavy Weight Start

Roll-Up Barbell Plate Leg Curls Heavy Weight Top

You'll notice that the other end of the bar doesn't really move. Only the working end rolls. This means you will get a bit of an arc to the movement, which is something you want to adjust for in your body position.

As you come to the top of each rep, contract the glutes hard to force your hips up towards the ceiling. This will maximize the contraction. Hold for a second or two then lower under control.

This is a phenomenal way to target the knee flexion aspect of the hamstrings without needing a leg curl machine.

This exercise is very similar in concept to the Weight Plate Leg Curl where all you need is a single plate.



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