Weight Plate Leg Curls For Peak Hamstring Contraction

This is a great hamstring exercise for when you don't have access to a leg curl machine. It combines not only the knee flexion function of the hamstrings (a.k.a. bringing your heel to your butt) but how you perform this particular exercise also incorporates the hip extension function of the hamstrings.




This simple exercise is going to give you an incredible contraction in your hamstrings.

For this, you just need a weight plate. I'm using a 45 lb plate in the demo. Set it on the floor about 5 feet away from something solid you can grab onto. I'm in the rack for this one but it doesn't matter what you use.

Now lie down and grab onto that solid object and your feet on top of the weight plate. I hook my heels in the edge of the plate.

Weight Plate Leg Curls Start

Now push the weight plate forward, sliding it along the floor. It's best to do this exercise on carpet, if you can. Rubber flooring will be tougher, if not impossible, to slide on.

Now PULL the weight plate back and up towards your butt while at the same time pushing your hips UP towards the ceiling.

Weight Plate Leg Curls top

I like to use an explosive movement for this one because that's really what the hamstrings are designed for. You'll see this in the video where I slide the plate foward slowly then power it back up fast.

And believe me, the contraction you get from this one is HUGE. You're combining the two functions of the hams into one movement, which really makes for an intense exercise.

This is a great one for home gym trainers who don't have access to a lot of machines and who need something beyond stiff-legged deadlifts for their hamstrings.

The Roll-Up Barbell Plate Leg Curl operates very much like this one for knee flexion hamstring work... it also gives you the ability to use added resistance.



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