Triceps make up the majority of your upper arm mass...if you want big arms, you need big triceps.
And the parallel bar dip is one of the best mass-building exercises you can do for triceps.
This band-resistance method allows you to target the top of the exercise with two directions of resistance...up and back.
I'm using one small red 42 inch band for this exercise. If you need bands, click here to visit my recommended vendor (use code RBTFITSTEP to get 10% off any band packages).
First, fold the band in half. Put one wrist through the middle loop and let the ends dangle.
Now put your other hand through both of the other loop ends.
It'll take a bit of wrangling but it's very doable.
Make sure the band loops are around your wrists.
Now get up onto the dip bars.
The band should be across your lower back, just over your waistband.
Come down into the bottom position of the dip under control. The band will move away from your back a little bit.
Now come up. This is the "money" part of the exercise where the band really comes into play.
As you come up, the band will catch on your glutes and waistband and stretch. This gives you vertical resistance at the top.
As well, as you push into that top position, push your body BACKWARDS into the band. This maximizes the contraction and gives you directional resistance at the same time.
Don't bounce up and down in these dips (or any dips). Do these under complete control with several seconds of contraction at the top.
That band resistance combined with bodyweight resistance will give your triceps a MASSIVE muscle-building pump.
I haven't tested this with added weight yet. A dip belt MIGHT be useful, though it could also cause the band to slide down the back of the belt because it wouldn't have anything to catch onto.
If you can get a dumbbell between your feet, that might be a better way to go. A spotter could set it for you. If you're training solo, this may not be practical, though.
Want more unique and challenging exercises to work your entire body with simple equipment? All you need is just a barbell, dumbbells and a bench. Check out The Best Home Gym Exercises You've Never Heard Of!
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