Rotating Handle Plate Bodyweight Tricep Extensions For Maximum Tricep Stretch Tension

Put massive stretch-loading on your triceps with this setup for the Bodyweight Tricep Extension exercise. It has some major advantages over the original...including less elbow stress, greater stretch on the triceps, and no bar to get in the way of your head.




The long head of the triceps is the biggest of the three heads and has the most growth potential...and this exercise targets it very strongly.


This is a variation of the classic Bodyweight Tricep Extension exercise which is normally done with your hands set on a solid bar or other object.

It it's a fantastic stretch-position exercise for the triceps and should be the starting point exercise that you're comfortable with before trying this version.

The stretch is an extremely powerful position for stimulating muscle growth by potentially increasing muscle fiber activation (via stretch reflex).

This version puts your hands in a neutral grip, which I find to be easier on the elbows, so it's a nice variation to do if you have any elbow issues.

It looks similar to how you would do the exercise with a pair of gymnastic rings (which is also a good variation), only this gives you more stability and the bar braced on the rack gives you something to push against.


How to Set Up the Rotating Handle Plate Bodyweight Tricep Extension

To set this one up, you'll need a rack (a Smith Machine will work, too, as will a bench press station), a bar and some plates (handles plates for the working side).

  • Set the rack rails to about waist height, push the bar up against the uprights to brace it.
  • Load 3 plates on the one side (to counterbalance your bodyweight) then 2 "handle" plates on the other side.
  • The one handle plate should be up against the inside bar collar.
  • The other plate off towards the end of the bar. Set a collar on the outside of that plate, just to be sure it doesn't slide off.
  • Grip the handles of the plates with your thumbs on TOP of the plate edges. This is important for the exercise to work.
  • Step your feet back about 3 feet.


The lower the bar and the further back your feet are set, the harder this will be. The higher the bar and the closer your feet, the easier it will be.

Now you're ready to go.

Rotating Handle Plate Bodyweight Tricep Extension Start

Bend your elbows and bring your body forward. The plates will rotate.

Rotating Handle Plate Bodyweight Tricep Extension Middle

Come down until you feel a good stretch on the triceps.

Rotating Handle Plate Bodyweight Tricep Extension Bottom

You can decide to turn around here...this will give you a very good stretch. The first time you do this exercise, come down to here, so you can get used to the dynamics of the exercise.

You can also choose to continue forward and under the bar for maximum stretch, once you get used to the exercise.

This is a more advanced position...come all the way forward into a fully-extended body position, using your calves to push forward into the tricep stretch, letting your bodyweight come down.

This puts a monster stretch on the triceps.

Rotating Handle Plate Bodyweight Tricep Extension Max Stretch

Now reverse the direction and push yourself back up to the top position.

Repeat for however many reps you like...I tend to prefer a moderate rep range for this one, e.g. 6-10 reps per set. Each rep is going to take you about 6-8 seconds to complete. You won't be able to (and shouldn't) do these reps fast since the goal is stretch and tension.

And while it does take a bit of setup, it's not anything super's primarily just putting plates on the bar then you're ready to go.

I like to put this exercise into a Positions of Flexion framework for an overall tricep workout (3-4 sets of a close-grip press or dip, 2 sets of a stretch exercise like this then 2 sets of a contraction-focused exercise like kickbacks or pushdowns).

If you want to use just the fat end of the bar by itself with no plates (faster to set up), you can do that with this version...Bodyweight Tricep Extensions on the Bar End.



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