Two Barbell Landmine Bodyweight Tricep Extensions For Building the Long Head of the Triceps

This exercise has a long name because it combines two forms of movement into one exercise...a bodyweight exercise combined with a weight exercise...and it will light up the long head of your triceps.




Building the long head of the triceps requires an overhead position and a powerful stretch.


This combination exercise uses two barbells in a unique way, targeting two different types of movement in one exercise.

First, you'll be primarily doing a bodyweight tricep extension, which is what's called a "closed chain movement," meaning your hands are anchored and your body is moving through space. This gives excellent muscle fiber activation.

However, here's where it gets interesting...

You're ALSO doing an open-chain movement (a barbell tricep extension) at the same time. This is where the body is anchored and the hands are moving.

This gives you the best of both worlds in one exercise.

And I'll tell you a little secret... it LOOKS like it should be easy because the weight is not heavy. However, when you add in the bodyweight extension, the tension and stretch ramps up FAST.


How to set up the exercise...


First, you'll need two bars. You can do it with one, if that's all you have, but I found it MUCH better with two.

Set the bars on the floor, parallel to each other with the far ends braced up against something solid like a power rack.

I've got a ten pound plate loaded on the working ends. You may want to use 5's but I would recommend using something (contrary to what I said in the video about using empty bars). It's better to have plates on to brace the bars against as you do the exercise.

Pick up the loaded ends.

Two Barbell Landmine Bodyweight Tricep Extensions For Building the Long Head of the Triceps Start

Now raise them up to your shoulders then press to an "overhead" type of position. Step your feet back a little so that your body is at an angle.

The further you set your feet, the harder the exercise will be (closer in will be easier).

Two Barbell Landmine Bodyweight Tricep Extensions For Building the Long Head of the Triceps Top

Now...lower your head down under the ends of the bars, while at the same time lowering the ends of the bars. Keep the plates braced up against each to help stabilize the bars.

This position puts a great stretch on the long head of the triceps...while also forcing you to stabilize the bars and your body by using the triceps.

To that effect, I recommend setting your feet out wider than shoulder width to improve your base of support.

Two Barbell Landmine Bodyweight Tricep Extensions For Building the Long Head of the Triceps Bottom

Now push back up to the start position using an extension movement.

Two Barbell Landmine Bodyweight Tricep Extensions For Building the Long Head of the Triceps Top

Because your body is at an angle the whole time, there is NO break in tension, even at the top.

This makes the exercise just BRUTAL, even though it looks like it should be easy.

Repeat for 6-8 reps.

You can adjust the resistance by moving your feet a little closer in, if you like.


Here's how to set the bars down...


There is a trick to it so that you don't have to drop the bars or set them down awkwardly.

Come down onto one knee, then set the plate of one bar on your knee.

Switch to an underhand grip.

Then just set the bar down.

And set the other bar down.

You're done!

A few sets of this and your triceps will be worked...and the next few days will give you a lesson in soreness, even if you're using to working your triceps hard. This is a unique form of tension and stretch that will be a very novel training stimulus.

Since this is not an exercise you should if you're not familiar with the bodyweight extension, if you'd like to try a "straight up" version of the bodyweight tricep extension first, you can use this setup on the fat end of a bar.



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