Let me just preface this exercise by saying...you don't come to me for "normal"...
You come to me for INSANE stuff that WORKS.
This exercise is a prime example of that.
I call this exercise a Band-Janda Abdominal Sit-Up and it is going to absolutely BLOWTORCH your abs... specifically your rectus abdominis, a.k.a. the six-pack abs.
Every single rep you do...from the very first one...is going to give you a painfully intense, maximum contraction on your abs. This will feel like nothing you've ever felt before.
The "base" exercise is known as the Janda Sit-Up...a sit-up variation created by Czech exercise physiologist, Dr. Vladimir Janda.
Essentially, this is a sit-up done with your heels or calves braced from behind (with a solid object or partner) with the goal of activating the hamstrings against that brace.
When the hamstrings are contracted, this inhibits the hip flexors from contributing as much to the sit-up movement, forcing the vast majority of the tension and loading onto the rectus abdominis.
It's an EXCELLENT exercise...and this variation is going to make it even better.
Here's how to set up the Band-Janda Abdominal Sit-Up
In addition to the Janda Sit-Up, we're going to be adding a rolled-up towel under your lower back to create a more effective fulcrum (pivot point) for the spine to work against.
This new fulcrum changes the sit-up exercise into a spinal flexion exercise rather than a hip flexion exercise (meaning you're bending more at the spine rather than the hip joints, shifting the focus to the rectus abdominis/six-pack muscle).
This also takes the hip flexors out of the picture even more while reducing the torque on the lower back that is often associated with sit-ups.
Now...there's more...
We're also going to be adding in band resistance from BEHIND you, so that as you come to the top of the sit-up, the band stretches. The closer you get to full contraction in the abs, the more the band stretches, increasing the tension where you would normally be seeing it decrease.
Maximally loading the abs with multiple resistance (bodyweight and band tension) in this peak-anatomically-possible contracted position for the six-pack abs will give you literally THE most intense contraction in your abs you've likely ever felt in your life.
The Band-Janda Abdominal Sit-Up is ridiculously intense from the very first rep.
If you love hard ab training, you're going to LOVE this exercise.
To perform this one, you'll need a towel, a small training band (click here to see my recommended source for bands, if you don't have one) and, ideally, a power rack.
The rack setup is not 100% necessary if you can find a similar set up in your gym. You'll basically need something to hitch the band onto that is about 2 1/2 feet off the ground and something solid to hook your heels or calves over (or a partner to hold behind your heels or calves).
Set the rolled up towel a few feet in front of where the band is hitched.
As I mentioned, the band should be hitched about 2 1/2 feet off the ground. This will give you direct resistance at the TOP of the exercise, where it's most effective.
Sit on the floor facing away from the band, with your lower back over top of the towel. Reach back and then put the band loop over top of your upper body.
Once over, the band should sit under the arms, on the upper chest. Now brace your heels against the bottom cross-beam of the rack (or whatever you're using to brace your heels).
Set your knees out wide to take the hip flexors out of a direct line of pull (like a frog sit-up type of position). This further takes them out of the exercise.
Now the fun begins...
Lie back onto the floor. Make sure your heels are braced solidly.
Begin the sit-up, contracting the hamstrings HARD against the bracing. As you come up, the towel will be the pivot point, forcing the tension of the exercise onto the rectus abdominis. There is no band tension yet...(yet).
Once your torso starts approaching vertical, THEN the band tension starts to kick in. Keep contracting the hamstrings hard.
You're not done...
Keep pulling your torso forward until your chest is right into your knees. The contraction in the abs in incredible and it's REALLY hard not to scream at this point.
Hold it there for a few seconds, forcing the contraction even more.
This body position is the peak-anatomically-possible contracted position for the six-pack abs...
...and you're LOADING it.
Lower yourself back to the start position slowly and under control.
Come all the way back down. "Unroll" your abs at the bottom, releasing the tension, then repeat.
Get as many reps as you can. This will be an experience in pain tolerance and determination, in addition to abdominal strength.
I recommend performing 1-2 sets of this exercise at the end of a workout. If you plan on doing other abdominal exercises as well, do this one FIRST (trust me). You may find you don't want to (or need to ) do anything more after it.
This exercise looks a bit strange but it is literally one of THE single most effective six-pack ab exercises I've ever come up with. It will set your abs on FIRE.
Want 90 more unique and challenging exercises to SHRED your core? Check out The Best Core Exercises You've Never Heard Of!
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